
holy shit does that giraffe have a mullett?????

Well i started my new job at Fed-ex this week seems ok, i will be driving a forklift so thats pretty cool. Really not much going on here at all to talk about.

damn i guess thats all i really have to say



Man everyone got Rick'd Rolled and disappeared on me. WHATZUPWITHDAT?



I was waiting to see if I got Tim, but I am sure he would not comment if I did. At least I got you 2 LOL. Rick Reid needs one of them. He goes, MEOW and says you just got Rick'd! Creative genius tell ya what.

Well I was on break, now I am back to work...

Oh, Tyler had a boy...I am scared.


ahhh yes i got rick'd as well

that was quite the good one ol' john pulled on us i was quite amused, some what annoyed at first but then saw the genious behind the creation of such a gag

good show john good show

not much here really weather is getting nice warming up 60's and 70's

had a jiu-jitsu tournament over the weekend pretty good showing 2nd in my weight class and 4th in the open weight division i lost to some dude that weighed like 320 pounds he just sat on me and threw his shoulder in my neck i couldn't breathe so i had to tap out not real cool but whatever

well thats about it

i know there aint much going on down there but what the hell do you do all day????



I got Rick Roll'd!