
Do what now?

Baton therapy motherfuckers that is what. Working where my buddy Charles worked for a while huh? Damn wish you were there for when I got my 6 hours for prank calling. Glad to waste the city's money on that one. Yep didnt learn my lesson either LOL. Still get laughs out of that story. Man nothing new here honestly. My live is the suck. It isnt bad, it just isnt eventful. I should burn things.



It's delicious.


Let me clear my throat!

Well it's been a while since I posted on this thingee so heres and update.......

I start Police Academy on Friday as a Corrections Officer yep i am the LAW and shit should be a pretty badass time ten weeks of police training and then i get to bash inmates.

So the trip to TX is off but im going to be making a good amount of dough so i hope we can book something for the spring i wanted to come down next month but it just wont work so we will work something out.

so how is everybody else doin?? alive and well i presume, or at least hope

thats about all up here for now
