
Sauce of Fire..

Having forty extra Fire Sauce packets certainly has its advantages. I use it on my cereal, in my coffee... in my bath water. I wash my ass with it. So many uses.


i walk away for 5 mins...

yea i didnt see shiznit going on for a bit so i thought this was a forgotten refuge on the internet.  all i do is work.  i got creative motivation that needs to be fed so i picked up a 2nd job for that good money that feeds that shit.  new camera so far has been bought.  new computer will be build.  i have a few vacation spots i want to hit up in 2k12.  the much talked about, never completed, much needed TX trip needs to be done.  out of the country for the the first time falls in there somewhere and then grand finale will be me finally getting dat ass back in college to get my knowledge.  lets see if plans meet cash to form epic awesomeness


Lasagna Day..

I've been eating this shit for days, and nights.

I rarely play the guitar... it's like a dust spire.



Well turkey day was pretty decent, besides having to see all of my family, I would say it went OK.

I hope yalls did too.

Hey jared you still touchin that guitar or is it dust mountain and shit????



Is it really that bad out there man??

She's a Maneater..

I'll tell you where I've been.

Imagine you're really enjoying your life - living in a city with an abundance of opportunity, working at a job you look forward to going to each day, surrounded by people you dig, having interesting stuff to ride and doing things everyday with your friends...

Well, it's the opposite of that. Being the subject of a cautionary tale is a bummer.

Well sir.........

For being a homepage ya sure as hell never say anything on it. What the hell have you been doing for like the last 5 years. Jon are you still alive man haven't read anything from you in like 10 years either.

Jesus time has really had her way with us. She is a lusty old broad


Echo Echo..

Check it everyday? This shit's my homepage motherfucker.

Speaking of not having anything to post, or at least anything of interest; I'm eating a bowl of yo mammy's jank-ass tuna. It's delicious.


Damn, anyone still on this mother. I check this shit everyday but never really have anything to say. Today is no exception, but I think I'm gonna start posting everyday just to see if any of you asses take notice

Later Suckas



Well infant #2 was puss-crapped into the world on 9-9-11. As sorry as i am jared her name is not phillip. While phil is a fine name, it didn't really fit either of our daughters. I do apoligize.

Other than that there really isn't much going on.... I did get me a new bmx bicycle and have been riding almost nonstop, I am almost as terrible as I was back in the day so I'm pretty stoked on that point.

My sweet city job is giving me a month off for this child birthing thing so im off to help the lady do random crap that I don't really care to .

talk to you queers later


Hold on..

Brandon, you should have named one of your kids Phillip.


Nothing Like farting in the bathtub

Hell I dont know of no damn good title. Well this computer is a computer some chick who lived across the way asked me how could she throw it away. I asked her if I could have it and here we are. I cleaned it up and well, this is working until I get a real computer. I am getting it bit by bit. I have not practiced procreation in awhile. I need to get to cracking...just not ready to make kids. Fun to practice



Just as I was about to post, I saw that I had 666 posts. Woot?

So, here's 667.

John with real internet.. never happened. You're about to learn to stop jogging off and start masturbating for real. Porn incoming!

And more kids? WTF. Time to catch up Tito. Get pluggin'.



been a few hours since i said anything on this piece

jon dont freak out still here but mostly just forgotten

wilson family child # 2 will arrive in september hopin for a boy
we will see how it turns out

still fucking with criminals on a daily basis

not much else going on over here


Tell me everyone isnt gone. Right when I finally get real internet and you all are gone. DAMNIT. DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT