
Bastard hybrid moments.

Papa John's winter extravaganza. "Oh shit, the curb the curb!"

The sled does work at the waterpark.

"You and I both know metal doesn't burn.."

Guns and Robots, and Falls City Beer.

"Dude, I gotta go ahead. I have to shit." Mt. LeConte "Where's the lodge? There's no bathroom up here..!?"

The steak afterwards... and the cat riding the dog. Oh, and some lady gets hit by a car. Good times.


John moves into 'The Carleton'.

Are you a chuch goin' man?

Last day at the apartment.


Jordan's wedding.

The forever rides through Louisville, and 'the slide'.

70+ at the St. Matthews jump, and drifting the Bronco. Basically any drunk Bronco mission.

Shitting my pants three times in a single year. I beat John.

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