
Teeth like this..

It has been a while, both on this piece and in general. I'm surprised you haven't got some sort of kid farm happening up there. Aw shit, Sunday incoming. Who's the Easter Bunny now muthafucka!

I was just thinking about that time outside Applebee's or O'Charlie's.. whichever; where I was explaining to that bitch how the smoke fuming from the gutter was a giant-ass rat with "teeth like this". Brandon asked me if I'd ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and at the time I didn't recall and couldn't figure out where the fuck that query came from. Left field or some shit.

Several years ago, I finaly made the connection.. the vorpal bunny and the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.. gah. Then I remembered my mom trying to show that shit to me when I was ten or so. I watched maybe five minutes then went outside, probably to set some shit on fire.. who knows.

Anyways, I guess I had seen it.. that movie's five minutes long right?

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