
Last Night ........

I had some friends over last night and some of them knew that I had some stuff on youtube, but one of them had never seen that stuff. Well instead of going to youtube I went upstairs and got our old footage dvd the "footy master" if you would. I made these guys watch some of our stuff. Bear & JoJo and Hardcorps were the main attraction. I personally haven't watched that stuff in quite some time. I don't know if anyone ever thinks about those days and the time we shared together.

Watching that stuff made me remember how much fun it was growing into the person that I am today. All you guys left your mark and I still think about all of you guys. I don't think that any of us will ever see each other again, and I'm pretty damn positive that all of us will never be in the same room together. Time changes everyone and who knows, we might not even get along anymore, but there was a short time in our lives where we were awesome and didn't give a fuck about anything else except the next mission or whatever silly shit we were up to. So if you read this and you ever wondered if I gave a shit I do and will continue to wonder what one more sunday night at akikos would be like.

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