
Return of the fly with Vincent Price


Just went a MISFITS show on Saturday
Jerry is still killin that shit


I'm back muthafuckas!

Online that is..

Finally got a connection up in this cavemouth. The porn!


Fun & Sun

Damn I need to move out of Indiana. 


To the cover of the jungle a noble savage runs

Well it was a fine communication that I had with ya buddy

I got a couch and two weeks vacation in march if ya want to visit

Nostalgia is kinda lame new memories should be made

Into the Woods..

Heading back to my cave, so no telling when I'll be back on here.

I need to make a trip back there at some point... grab some nostalgia and shit.


New York

That time in New York when your family was giving out anal beads for birthday or graduation presents. HAHAHAHAHAHA Fuckin Gross HAHAHAHAHA


one is evil and the other knows kung fu.

"Recent reconnaissance has revealed a 2.7 liter plastic dish containing what appears to be Ramen Noodles.."

"People still eat that shit?!"

(Sigh.. and loosely audible fart) "There also appears to be a sweet motherfuckin' grilled cheese sandwich artisanally crafted from two hot dog rolls spread, buttered, and fistfuckin' fried in yesterday's bacon grease with an American slice or two tossed twixt those sweet facefuckin' buns... nonchalantly tossed into the noodlescape to navigate the desolate doldrums for a short eternity."


Happy 4th bitches

Good to see some actual posting going on. Sadly, the drum kit got sold when we moved houses. There was period before moving into the new place that we were homeless and it was too big to keep around. They have free internet at the library. Go there and check this shit like once a month Jared. I'm sure I would have more to say but it's late.


more shit to say

After I posted that short bit I realized that I had a bit more to say.

Not really much to say just questions really.

UMMM... what do you do in Texas all day???? How old is that kid of yours... gotta be like 14-17 yrs old right????
 Do you actually ever see yourself making it back up here for any amount of time????

Before you brake checked my back all to shit I remember smacking the shit out of johns dumb head waitin at stop lights on bardstown rd. That shit was funny! Derby Night if I'm not mistaken and I prolly am.

Why dont you have the internet?? Do you in fact live in the woods these days??? If you do live in the woods are you at least all tweaked out?? I hope so, that would make me happy to know that at least your havin fun in the woods and not survivin on deer turds and squirrel shit.

I dont actually expect answers to any of these questions. I'm sure it will be the usual deflection with comedic sarcasm and witty banter.

But hey I tried to talk to you like i guess old friends are supposed too i guess

Still guessin after all these years

That shit fuckin hurt

That was not jason that you fucked up asshole... it was me. Brake-checkin fuckhole.

Pretty sure i ran Tim off askin bout that drum-kit


God Damn..

Haven't had internet for so damn long. I guess they don't provide that shit in the woods.

House-sitting at the moment, cooking some black beans and rice... soaking up some connection.

I saw a shitty white Bronco a couple nights ago... reminded me of Jason trying to jump through the back window and me slamming the brakes so he'd eat shit into the seat. Pile 'em all in there... especially the old hookers. Ask Marglemesh about being WAY too wasted and jumping the Bronco by the mall where we used to live... or tearing ass across people's landscaping in the East End.

Fuck, let's just crash a rental car into Marglamesh's house... I can leave the money I owe him for the last one we trashed under the wiper.


Let me give this a try........

Hey Tim 1.... do you still have that 10 year old drum kit laying around somewhere................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................???????



I found this to be funny

I was talking to my neighbor MARGLEMESH and I told him that Jared was gonna stay with me for the summer. I thought it would be funny to get his reaction. That dude did not seem psyched on this at all, not even a little. He looked a little scared. I told him that we were gonna burn his house down and he didn't act like that couldn't happen.

Then he said something very astute.
"Jared was very easy to be friends with"'

That sentence made alot of sense to me. Mostly because it was 1000% true. You were very easy to get along with as long as you were along for the ride just about anyone could have jumped in that dumbass bronco. I never really thought about it, I just thought we had similar ideas and interests, but looking back I think we both were just looking for someone to blow shit up with and have some before we got too old.


This place hasn't changed much.

Akikos looks almost like the same damn place except for a little more alcohol selection.  Not the same without Kip though. 



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