
Beer Night # Binge..

To the Alcoholic: It's always a thrill to find some beer stashed somewhere; even better than finding a twenty in the wallet. Yeah, that measure of stoke.. Saves a trip to Thorntons.

To the lazyman: The interaction level has been quite low as of late. Summer break perhaps? The internet is your friend motherfuckers. Maybe I am too... (Guilt Trip bitches!)

The Alcoholic, FYI: Do not eat the KFC and pass out drunk with your mashed potatoes half off - you will dream the dreams of the insane. I did. I actually woke up checking my sides for incisions. I dreamed my kidneys or liver was snatched up. No shit.

OK now sums, I am going to buy a Tascam. Tim, I am going to buy a Tascam. This means the 'Mix Tape Challenge' will come true. I totally want this shit to happen... and I want to come back home.

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